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文章出處:外資企業(yè)翻譯公司 人氣:0發(fā)表時間:2023-07-08 13:10:45

文章來源"國外企業(yè)資料翻譯公司"            副標題:"公司章程翻譯"









  1.1Definition 定義


  In the interpretation of this Constitution, unless the context or subject matter requires, otherwise references to:




  Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)




  Associate when used in Rule 33, has the meaning given for the purposes of Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936;




  Company means the Company whose Members have adopted this Constitution;




  Constitution means this Constitution containing the rules for the operation of the Company;




  Director means each person appointed as, and who, at the relevant time, remains, a director of the Company and:



 ?。╝)includes any person appointed as an alternative for any other Director; and




 ?。╞)excludes any person who is disqualified from acting as a director or who is removed or resigns from that office;




  Interest Rate means the Benchmark Interest Rate defined in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 expressed as a rate per cent per annum;




  Member means each person holding a share or shares in the Company at the relevant time;




  Notice Address means the last address specified by a person in the records of the Company and includes:




 ?。╝)each address listed for each relevant person in the records of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission; 在澳大利亞證券和投資委員會的記錄中所列出的每個相關人員的地址;


 ?。╟)any other address nominated by the relevant person as an additional, alternative or substituted Notice Address for the purposes of this Constitution; and被有關人員指定的、為了本章程的目的而附加的、供選擇的或替代的通知地址;


  (c)the then current facsimile number or email address nominated as a Notice Address by a person;被有關人員指定作為通知地址的當前傳真號或電子郵箱;


  Prescribed Rate means the rate specified by the Directors from time to time expressed as a rate percent per annum or if no rate is specified, the Interest Rate plus 2 percent; 規(guī)定比率指的是董事時常規(guī)定的比率,以每年的百分比表示;如果沒有對比率進行規(guī)定,則費率等于利率加上2%;


  Related Body Corporate means:




 ?。╝)in the case of a body corporate, the body corporate which is related to that body corporate within the meaning of the Act; and 對于一個法人團體,其指的是在法案含義內(nèi),與該法人團體相關的法人團體;


 ?。╞)in the case of a transfer by an individual Member under Rule 16, an entity in which that Member beneficially owns or controls all the issued shares;對于個人股東依據(jù)第16條進行的轉(zhuǎn)讓,其指的是該股東擁有或控制所有已發(fā)行股份的實體;


  Right includes a legal, equitable, contractual, statutory or other right, power, authority, benefit, privilege, remedy, entitlement, discretion or cause of action;




  Rules means the provisions of this Constitution and Rule means any one of them.






 ?。╝)In the interpretation of this Constitution, unless the context or subject matter requires, otherwise, references to: 在對本章程的解釋中,除非內(nèi)容另有規(guī)定,否則參考以下定義:


  (i)singular words include the plural and vice versa; 單數(shù)詞包括復數(shù)詞,反之亦然;


 ?。╥i)any gender include every gender;任何性別包括所有性別;


 ?。╥ii)persons include natural persons, firms, companies, corporations, bodies corporate, trustee, trusts, charities, associations, partnerships, government authorities, and other legal entities. It will include references to that person's estate, personal representatives, executors, administrators, substitutes, successors and assigns; 人員包括自然人、廠商、公司、企業(yè)、法人團體、受托人、信托基金機構(gòu)、慈善機構(gòu)、協(xié)會、合伙企業(yè)、政府機關和其它法人實體。它將包括提及該人的財產(chǎn)、個人代表、執(zhí)行人、管理人、代理人、繼承人和受讓人;

  (iv)writing include printing, typing, facsimile and other means of representing or reproducing words, figures, drawings or symbols in a visible and tangible or electronic form, in English;書面形式包括打印、打字、傳真和其它用英文以可見的、有形的或電子的格式,呈現(xiàn)或復制文字、數(shù)字、圖或符號的方式;


 ?。╲)signature and/or signing mean due execution of a document and include signing by an agent or attorney or representative, 簽名和/或簽署意味著應對文件給予執(zhí)行,其包括由代理人、律師或代表附上的簽名;


 ?。╲i)months mean calendar months;月份指的是公歷月;


 ?。╲ii)statutes include statutes amending, modifying, rewriting, re-enacting, consolidating or replacing the statutes referred to and all regulations. orders-in-council, Rules, by-laws, orders in council and ordinances made under those statutes.法令包括法令的修改、更改、重寫、重新制定和統(tǒng)一,或相關法令的更換,以及在所有規(guī)定、樞密令、法規(guī)或這些法令下制定的條例;


 ?。╲iii)sections of statutes or terms defined in statutes refer to corresponding sections or defined terms in amended, consolidated or replacement statutes;法令的章節(jié)或法令中定義的條款指的是在經(jīng)修改的、統(tǒng)一的或替換的法令中所出現(xiàn)的相應章節(jié)或所定義的條款;


 ?。╥x)an agreement or document (including this Constitution) mean that agreement or document as varied, amended, novated or supplemented and include all recitals, schedules, appendices and exhibits to it;協(xié)議或文件(包括此章程)指的是經(jīng)改變的、修改的、替換的或補充的協(xié)議或文件,其包括所有陳述部分、附件、附錄和圖片;


 ?。▁)clauses or schedules are references to the clauses or schedules of this Constitution;條款和附件參考本章程的條款或附件;


 ?。▁i)a party include that party's executors, administrators, substitutes, successors and assigns;一方包括該方的執(zhí)行人、行政人員、代理人、繼任者或受讓人;


 ?。▁ii)sell or sold include transfer, lease, assign, grant options and/or any other form of disposing of or creating an interest in the thing being considered and buy or purchase will be interpreted correspondingly. 出售或已出售的包括轉(zhuǎn)讓,出租,受讓,授予購股權(quán)及/或以任何其它形式在考慮的事情上處置或創(chuàng)造利益;買入或購買將予以相應的解釋。






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