
0731-86240899 / 18684722880


點擊:0 ???時間:2019-06-28 09:19:13

小標題: 合同翻譯范文 合同翻譯 英文合同翻譯 英語合同翻譯 商務(wù)合同翻譯 文章來源:合同翻譯公司 作者:玖九翻譯公司,勞動合同翻譯范本,技術(shù)合同翻譯范本,商務(wù)合同翻譯范本,采購合同翻譯范本依據(jù)《中華人民共和國合同法》和有關(guān)法規(guī)的規(guī)定,甲、乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,簽訂本合同,信守執(zhí)行:In accordance with the Contract Law of PRC and relevant regulations, Party A and Party B entered in



小標題: 合同翻譯范文 合同翻譯  英文合同翻譯 英語合同翻譯  商務(wù)合同翻譯  文章來源:合同翻譯公司  作者:玖九翻譯公司
  Party A: Hunan Hongxing Market Agricultural Products Co., Ltd.
  Party B: Hunan Co., Ltd. 
  In accordance with the Contract Law of PRC and relevant regulations, Party A and Party B entered into this Contract by consensus, for mutual compliance:
  Article 1. Content and Requirements of Production
  Party A entrusts Party B to produce the Investment Attracting Image Film of Guangzhou Global Agricultural Product Wholesale Center. The finished films will be provided with Chinese version (Chinese subtitles and Chinese dubbing) and English version (English subtitles and English dubbing) with specific requirements as follows:
  1. Party B shall provide at least two versions of planning schemes for Party A to select. 2. Party B shall make the propaganda film according to the planning scheme selected by Party A, which shall be no less than 8 minutes. 3. The shooting and production techniques shall include 3d animation design and production, personal interviews, and live-action aerial photography, etc 4. The finished film can be edited into 3 short videos according to the specific requirements of Party A, which shall meet the standards of forwarding on "we-media". 5. Party B may, upon request of Party A, can select screenshots from the finished film as the materials for print advertisements. 6. Technical parameters: 4K camera will be used as the main shooting equipment; the aspect ratio of finished film will be 16:9 with the resolution to be 1920*1080; the musics, dubbing, scenes and actors shall be suitable for the characteristics and requirements of this film.
  Article 2. Service Charge (including all the payable, such as the cost, profit and tax of Party B) & Mode of Payment
  The total contract price is three hundred and ninety thousand yuan (RMB 990,000)。 The price includes all the costs on production, filming, editing and labor, and other costs and taxes incurred by Party B to fulfill its obligations hereunder. Party A will not pay any other fees.
  Article 4. Rights and Obligations of Both Parties
  1.Party A enjoys all the intellectual property rights, derivative rights and ownership of the finished films. Without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not use, or transfer the works produced in accordance with the Contract and the materials related to the works.
  2.Party A agrees that Party B can use the finished film to promote the company's performance.
  3.Party A shall have the right to supervise the work proceeding situation of Party B and make relevant suggestions. Party B shall actively cooperate and timely communicate with Party A, provide explanations and make reasonable arrangements for Party A's opinions.
  4.Party A shall have the obligation to provide Party B with relevant materials necessary for the creation of the works and assist Party B to perform on-site shooting.
  如果您有翻譯方面的任何需求 ,歡迎致電玖九翻譯公司熱線: 0731-86240899或者24小時服務(wù)熱線18684722880,或者微信咨詢(QQ/微信同號:747700212),我們玖九翻譯公司將竭誠為您服務(wù)。


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